The annual international flashmob of Ori Tahiti has been created in 2016 by Aurore Legrain – president of the association Hoa No Tahiti from the city of Rennes in France.
The original choregrapher Mareva Bouchaux is now in charge of this event which has reunited -for this 2019 edition- 62 cities all over the world. 24 countries gathered in the name of Ori Tahiti.
It’s a simple principle: the choreogaphy is released a few months before the official date -on youtube or facebook- with a complete tutorial explaining the steps, the moves and their meaning.
Each city involved in this project has its organiser who must create an event on facebook in association with the official page “Flashmob Ori Tahiti”. In order to indentify places, dance groups and participants.
For the final video editing, each organizer provides a group picture, a video of their flashmob and the exact number of dancers.
A beautiful way of promoting our culture and bring together all the Ori Tahiti lovers.
© FB Flashmob Ori Tahiti 2019
© FB Flashmob Ori Tahiti 2019
© Youtube X0NeGriTa0X