If you are a dancer or just a lover of Ori tahiti you must know Tiare Trompette Dezerville, leader and creator of the famous dance group Hei Tahiti.
What you may not know about this amazing woman is that she is the dedicated mother of three daughters.
One of those three beauties is Natihere and her story deserve to be told.
Natihere was born with an arthrogryposis of the lower limbs but this 11years-old little warrior keeps smiling and dancing ori tahiti on her wheelchair with her mother and her sisters.
Since 2011, she has been enduring surgery after surgery and round trips from Tahiti to France for her hope is the hope of her family but also of all the people supporting them through this fight.
We just wanted to show you the power of sharing a passion that become love. Sharing is caring always. And caring is loving.
To Natihere with love.
© FB Tiare Trompette Dezerville
© FB Tiare Trompette Dezerville
© FB Tiare Trompette Dezerville
? Natihere a 10 ans et ce n’est certainement pas son handicap – elle est atteinte d’une arthrogrypose des membres inférieurs – qui lui fera renoncer à sa passion, le ‘ori tahiti !?? Ses parents lancent un nouvel appel à la solidarité pour le prochain EVASAN de Natihere, en mai 2019. Une vente de gâteaux est prévue vendredi 3 mai. Pour ➕ d’infos : Tiare Trompette Dezerville.
Posted by Polynésie la 1ère on Wednesday, April 17, 2019
© Polynésie La 1ère