Steeped in ancient times, as before, dance retains its social role- Just as speech or writing, it is a way of communication that only the participants and the initiated person know the deep meaning.
Long ago, banned for obscenity by the clergy, tahitian dance became the showcase of Tahiti. The Polynesian dance, ORI TAHITI, that had shocked the missionaries because of tits explicitly sexual character, entered in the XIX century in the secrecy.
It came out in the 50’s thanks to the choreographers Madeleine MOUA and Coco HOTAHOTA, founder of the dance troop ‘Te Maeva’ .
The music and dance, long ago censured, is enjoying a renaissance. A way for the Polynesians to finally assert their unwritten civilization. With an incredible violence incredible, the thunder of the ‘To’ere’ explodes in the night of the Papeete. In the ancient times, tells Teuira Henry in a book published during the early century, the beating of the ‘To’ere’ announced to the terrified people the beginning and the ed of the humans sacrifices.
Nowadays, the curious drum, made of a hollowed trunk, split in the front, mark its percussive sounds of the ORI TAHITI. The Polynesian deeply feels the need to create new sounds and draw in space with his body, ephemeral figures.
Once again, thanks to Madeleine MOUA the HEIVA I TAHITI finally found its legendary dimension. HEIVA I TAHITI is to be seen when travelling to Tahiti ! The entire population of the Islands gather for weeks to pay hommage and to celebrate traditional tahitian dance, music and song. Dance troops from all the island of French Polynesia compete for many coveted titles The annual Heiva festival has been the most important event in Tahiti since more than 130 years-
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